Instant Messaging Development guide(IM)

Product Features

Lanying IM, developed by MaximTop team, is a new generation IM cloud service. Benefits from cloud-native technologies and multi-cloud architecture, the private cloud is charged monthly as well as the public cloud.

The SDK is designed in a minimalist approach and thus easy to integrate. Developers can effortlessly add chat functions to applications by integrating the SDK and the cloud API services.

The typical application architecture is as follows:

Lanying IM cloud open platform architecture
Lanying IM cloud open platform architecture

With the accumulation of instant messaging IM technology for more than ten years, Lanying IM SDK and service API have been optimized to provide more professional services through simpler interfaces.

One-click enable multi-cloud architecture, which is the unique advantage of Lanying IM Cloud Service.

One-click enable means from basic functions to service customization, all can be opened and used with one-click operation on the console; Multi-cloud architecture supports free migration of applications in different deployment modes of Public Cloud, Proprietary Cloud and Private Cloud, conforming to the business development stages, and implementing worry-free, seamless platform migration and switching.

With the omnipotent console, there are only two things you need to do, one is to integrate Lanying IM SDK on the client side, and the other is to connect Lanying API service on the server side. This paper mainly introduces the work related to client SDK integration.

Lanying IM SDK is cross-platform, including mobile (iOS/Android), PC desktop (Linux/Windows/Mac), Web browser (including H5) and WeChat applet. In order to maximize reuse and improve service quality, the IM SDK technology stack of Lanying is as follows:

Lanying IM SDK technology stack
Lanying IM SDK technology stack
  1. Unified design and implementation of binary instant messaging protocol XSYNC, providing C++ version and JavaScript version respectively;
  2. Encapsulate the C++ SDK of the whole platform based on C++ communication library, and continue to encapsulate the SDK of mobile (iOS/Android) and PC desktop (Linux/Windows/Mac) on this basis;
  3. Both mobile terminals encapsulate the local UI Kit library before implementing the Lanying IM DemoApp, but iOS and Android are slightly different. iOS encapsulates SDK through Object-C and then further transforms it into Swift library, while Android directly encapsulates Java library for upper layer use through Swig framework and JNI technology;
  4. PC desktop encapsulates C++ communication library through Electron, and shares a set of UI components implemented by Vue.js with Web browser end;
  5. Javascript communication library is provided to the Web browser (including H5) after being encrypted and encapsulated by WebAssembly;
  6. WeChat applet is different from Web browser except protocol library due to platform reasons. The system layer calls WeChat's network and repository, and the upper layer uses WeChat's UI Kit;

Access Guide for Beginners

Before you start integrating all clients, you need to create an application through Lanying IM cloud console, get the AppID of the application and set it on each side.

  1. Create account

Register and login Lanying IM Cloud Console

  1. Create application

After login, click to create application

After application created, App ID and other important information can be obtained in Application Information page; or you can click on the function page to configure it.


API Document

Server-side API

Private Deployment

Download the Installation package , then follow the steps from the console. View installation document for details.

Client SDK

The codename of Lanying IM SDK is Floo, which comes from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. We'll use Floo to represent IMSDK in the following document.

API Details

  1. iOS API
  2. Android API
  3. Web API, WeChat applet API is exactly the same
  4. C++ API

Platform Compatibility

Lanying IM supports following platforms:

Platform Compatibility
iOS iOS 9.0 +
Android Android 4.1 +
Web IE 10 and above, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
PC Node.js version of the SDK supports Electron development framework, but only for x86_64 architecture
Linux C++ version of the SDK, supports x86/x86-x64/ARM/MIPS architecture


To be added, please refer Source update

Client Error Code

Error code Description
NoError The operation was performed successfully without error.
GeneralError A generic error occurred during operation execution.
InvalidParam There are invalid parameters in the input parameters.
NotFound The path or file does not exist.
DbOperationFailed The local database operation failed.
SignInCancelled The user has cancelled the login operation.
SignInTimeout The user login operation has timed out.
SignInFailed The user login operation has failed.
UserNotLogin The user hasn't logged in yet.
UserAlreadyLogin Other user has logged in.
UserAuthFailed User authentication failed, username/id or password is incorrect.
UserPermissionDenied The user does not have permission to perform this action.
UserNotExist The user does not exist.
UserAlreadyExist The user is already exist.
UserFrozen The user has been frozen.
UserBanned The use has been banned from sending messages.
UserRemoved The user has been removed.
UserTooManyDevice The use has logged into too many devices.
UserPasswordChanged The user has changed passwords on other device.
UserKickedBySameDevice The user is kicked out by the same device.
UserKickedByOtherDevices The user is kicked out by other device.
UserAbnormal The user login status is not normal, the user is advised to login again.
UserCancel The user has cancelled the operation.
UserOldPasswordNotMatch The old password does not match when the password is changed.
UserSigningIn The user is signning in.
PushTokenInvalid The push token is not valid.
PushAliasBindByOtherUser Push alias is bound by other user.
PushAliasTokenNotMatch The push alias does not match the token.
InvalidVerificationCode The verification code is not valid.
InvalidRequestParameter The request parameters are not valid.
InvalidUserNameParameter The username parameter is not valid.
MissingAccessToken The access token parameter is missing.
CurrentUserIsInRoster The current user is already in the roster list.
CurrentUserIsInBlocklist The current user is already in the black list.
AnswerFailed The application does not exist or has already expired.
InvalidToken The current token is not valid.
InvalidFileSign The current file signature is not valid.
InvalidFileObjectType The current file object type is not valid.
InvalidFileUploadToType The to type of the uploaded file is not valid.
InvalidFileDownloadUrl The file download url is not valid.
MessageInvalid The current message format is not valid.
MessageOutRecallTime The current message has exceeded the allowed recall time.
MessageRecallDisabled The current message is not recallable.
MessageCensored The current message include censored content.
MessageInvalidType This operation is not supported by the current message type.
MessageBadArg The current message contains illegal characters.
MessageRateLimitExceeded The message sending frequency has reached the limit.
RosterNotFriend The current roster is not a friend.
RosterBlockListExist The current roster is already on the blocklist.
RosterRejectApplication The current user does not accept any application.
RosterHasDeletedFromSystem The current roster has been deleted from the system.
GroupServerDbError An error occurred in the server database.
GroupNotExist The Specified group not found.
GroupNotMemberFound The user is not in the specified group.
GroupMsgNotifyTypeUnknown The group message notification type is unknown.
GroupOwnerCannotLeave The group owner cannot leave the group.
GroupTransferNotAllowed Group owners can only be transferred to group members. The currently specified user is not a group member.
GroupRecoveryMode the current group is recovery mode.
GroupExceedLimitGlobal The number of global groups reaches the limit.
GroupExceedLimitUserCreate The number of incoming members reached the limit when the group was created.
GroupExceedLimitUserJoin The number of group members has reached the limit.
GroupCapacityExceedLimit The maximum group capacity is limited.
GroupMemberPermissionRequired This operation needs group member permission.
GroupAdminPermissionRequired This operation needs group admin permission.
GroupOwnerPermissionRequired This operation needs group owner permission.
GroupApplicationExpiredOrHandled The current group application has expired or be handled.
GroupInvitationExpiredOrHandled The current group invitation has expired or be handled.
GroupKickTooManyTimes The current user has been kicked more than 3 times.
GroupMemberExist The current user is already in the group.
GroupBlockListExist The current user is already in group blocklist.
GroupAnnouncementNotFound The current group announcement with the specified id was not found.
GroupAnnouncementForbidden The current group announcement with the specified id was forbidden by the system admin.
GroupSharedFileNotFound Group shared file is not found.
GroupSharedFileOperateNotAllowed Do not have permission to operate group shared files.
GroupMemberBanned The current user is banned by the group.
ServerNotReachable The current server not reachable.
ServerUnknownError An unknown error occurred on the server.
ServerInvalid The current server host is not valid.
ServerDecryptionFailed A decryption failed error occurred on the server.
ServerEncryptMethodUnsupported The server does not currently support the specified encryption method.
ServerBusy The server is currently busy.
ServerNeedRetry The server needs to retry.
ServerTimeOut A timeout error occurred on the server.
ServerConnectFailed A connection failure error occurred on the server.
ServerDNSFailed The current server failed to obtain the dns list.
ServerNeedReconnected The current server has changed and needs to be reconnected.
ServerFileUploadUnknownError An unknown file upload error occurred on the server.
ServerFileDownloadUnknownError An unknown file download error occurred on the server.
ServerInvalidLicense An invalid license error occurred on the server.
ServerLicenseLimit A license limit error occurred on the server.
ServerAppFrozen An app freeze error occurred on the server.
ServerTooManyRequest The server is being accessed too many times.
ServerNotAllowOpenRegister The server is not allowed open registration.
ServerFireplaceUnknownError An unknown error occurred on the fireplace server.
ServerResponseInvalid The current response returned by the server is not valid.
ServerInvalidUploadUrl The current upload server url is not valid.
ServerAppLicenseInvalid The current server app license is not valid.
ServerAppLicenseExpired The current server app license has expired.
ServerAppLicenseExceedLimit The current server app license has reached its limit.
ServerAppIdMissing The current server appid is missing.
ServerAppIdInvalid The current server appid is not valid.
ServerAppSignInvalid The current server app sign is not valid.
ServerAppNotifierNotExist The current server app notifier not exist.
ServerNoClusterInfoForClusterId The specified cluster id has no cluster information.
ServerFileDownloadFailure A download error occurred on the server.
ServerAppStatusNotNormal The current status of the server app is not normal.
ServerPlatformNotAllowed The server does not support the currently logged in device platform.
ServerCannotCreateDeviceSn The server cannot generate the serial number of the currently logged in device.
ServerRtcNotOpen The RTC service is not open.

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