Group Service
Public Classes
Name | |
class | CreateGroupOptions Group creation options |
Public Functions
Name | |
synchronized void | delete() |
[BMXErrorCode] | get(BMXGroupList list, boolean forceRefresh) Get group list, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set |
[BMXErrorCode] | search(BMXGroupList list, boolean forceRefresh) Get group list, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set |
[BMXErrorCode] | fetchGroupsByIdList(ListOfLongLong groupIdList, BMXGroupList list, boolean forceRefresh) Get the list of group information for the incoming group id, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set |
[BMXErrorCode] | search(ListOfLongLong groupIdList, BMXGroupList list, boolean forceRefresh) Get the list of group information for the incoming group id, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set |
[BMXErrorCode] | fetchGroupById(long groupId, BMXGroup group, boolean forceRefresh) Get group information, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set |
[BMXErrorCode] | search(long groupId, BMXGroup group, boolean forceUpdate) Get group information, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set |
[BMXErrorCode] | fetchLocalGroupsByName(BMXGroupList list, String name) Query local group information by group name and retrieve the group from local database by group name query |
[BMXErrorCode] | search(BMXGroupList list, String name) Query local group information by group name and retrieve the group from local database by group name query |
[BMXErrorCode] | create(BMXGroupService.CreateGroupOptions options, BMXGroup group) Create group |
[BMXErrorCode] | destroy(BMXGroup group) Destroy group |
[BMXErrorCode] | join(BMXGroup group, String message) Join a group, which may require admin approval depending on group settings |
[BMXErrorCode] | leave(BMXGroup group) Quit group |
[BMXErrorCode] | getInfo(BMXGroup group) Get group details, pull the latest information from server |
[BMXErrorCode] | getMembersNickname(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong members, BMXGroupMemberList list) Get group member details |
[BMXErrorCode] | getInvitationList(GroupInvitaionPage result, String cursor, int pageSize) Get group invitation list in pages |
[BMXErrorCode] | getApplicationList(BMXGroupList list, GroupApplicationPage result, String cursor, int pageSize) Get a list of group applications in pages |
[BMXErrorCode] | getMembers(BMXGroup group, BMXGroupMemberResultPage result, String cursor, int pageSize) Get list of group members in pages, pull from server if forceRefresh is set, up to 500 per page. |
[BMXErrorCode] | getMembers(BMXGroup group, BMXGroupMemberList list, boolean forceRefresh) Get group member list, pull from server if forceRefresh is set, up to 1,000 |
[BMXErrorCode] | addMembers(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong members, String message) Add group member |
[BMXErrorCode] | removeMembers(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong members, String reason) Remove group member |
[BMXErrorCode] | addAdmins(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong admins, String message) Add Admin |
[BMXErrorCode] | removeAdmins(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong admins, String reason) Remove admin |
[BMXErrorCode] | getAdmins(BMXGroup group, BMXGroupMemberList list, boolean forceRefresh) Get Admins list, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set |
[BMXErrorCode] | blockMembers(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong members) Add to blacklist |
[BMXErrorCode] | unblockMembers(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong members) Unblacklist |
[BMXErrorCode] | getBlockList(BMXGroup group, BMXGroupMemberResultPage result, String cursor, int pageSize) Paged to get blacklist |
[BMXErrorCode] | getBlockList(BMXGroup group, BMXGroupMemberList list, boolean forceRefresh) Get blacklist |
[BMXErrorCode] | banMembers(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong members, long duration, String reason) Ban |
[BMXErrorCode] | banMembers(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong members, long duration) |
[BMXErrorCode] | banGroup(BMXGroup group, long duration) Ban all members, the expiration time is calculated from the current server time plus banning duration (only Admins and group Owner can speak in the duration) |
[BMXErrorCode] | unbanMembers(BMXGroup group, ListOfLongLong members) Unban |
[BMXErrorCode] | unbanGroup(BMXGroup group) Unban all members |
[BMXErrorCode] | getBannedMembers(BMXGroup group, BMXGroupBannedMemberResultPage result, String cursor, int pageSize) Paged to get ban list |
[BMXErrorCode] | getBannedMembers(BMXGroup group, BMXGroupBannedMemberList list) Get a list of banned members |
[BMXErrorCode] | muteMessage(BMXGroup group, BMXGroup.MsgMuteMode mode) Set whether to block group messages |
[BMXErrorCode] | acceptApplication(BMXGroup group, long applicantId) Accept application of membership |
[BMXErrorCode] | declineApplication(BMXGroup group, long applicantId, String reason) Reject application of membership |
[BMXErrorCode] | declineApplication(BMXGroup group, long applicantId) |
[BMXErrorCode] | acceptInvitation(BMXGroup group, long inviter) Accept to join group |
[BMXErrorCode] | declineInvitation(BMXGroup group, long inviter, String reason) Reject invitation to join group |
[BMXErrorCode] | declineInvitation(BMXGroup group, long inviter) |
[BMXErrorCode] | transferOwner(BMXGroup group, long newOwnerId) Transfer of group Owner |
[BMXErrorCode] | uploadSharedFile(BMXGroup group, String filePath, String displayName, String extensionName, FileProgressListener arg4) Add shared file in group |
[BMXErrorCode] | cancelUploadSharedFile(BMXGroup group, String filePath) Cancel uploading group shared files |
[BMXErrorCode] | removeSharedFile(BMXGroup group, BMXGroup.SharedFile sharedFile) Remove shared file in group |
[BMXErrorCode] | downloadSharedFile(BMXGroup group, BMXGroup.SharedFile sharedFile, FileProgressListener arg2) Download share file in group |
[BMXErrorCode] | cancelDownloadSharedFile(BMXGroup group, BMXGroup.SharedFile sharedFile) Cancel downloading group shared files |
[BMXErrorCode] | getSharedFilesList(BMXGroup group, BMXGroupSharedFileList list, boolean forceRefresh) Get a list of share files in group |
[BMXErrorCode] | changeSharedFileName(BMXGroup group, BMXGroup.SharedFile sharedFile, String name) Modify shared file name in group |
[BMXErrorCode] | getLatestAnnouncement(BMXGroup group, BMXGroup.Announcement announcement, boolean forceRefresh) Get the latest group announcement |
[BMXErrorCode] | getAnnouncementList(BMXGroup group, BMXGroupAnnouncementList list, boolean forceRefresh) Get group announcements list |
[BMXErrorCode] | editAnnouncement(BMXGroup group, String title, String content) Write group announcement |
[BMXErrorCode] | deleteAnnouncement(BMXGroup group, long announcementId) Delete group announcement |
[BMXErrorCode] | setName(BMXGroup group, String name) Set group name |
[BMXErrorCode] | setDescription(BMXGroup group, String description) Set group description |
[BMXErrorCode] | setExtension(BMXGroup group, String extension) Set group extension information |
[BMXErrorCode] | setMyNickname(BMXGroup group, String nickname) Set nickname in group |
[BMXErrorCode] | setMsgPushMode(BMXGroup group, BMXGroup.MsgPushMode mode) Set group message notification mode |
[BMXErrorCode] | setJoinAuthMode(BMXGroup group, BMXGroup.JoinAuthMode mode) Set approval mode for joining group |
[BMXErrorCode] | setInviteMode(BMXGroup group, BMXGroup.InviteMode mode) Set invitation mode |
[BMXErrorCode] | setAllowMemberModify(BMXGroup group, boolean enable) Set whether group members are allowed to set group information |
[BMXErrorCode] | setEnableReadAck(BMXGroup group, boolean enable) Set whether group message read acknowledgement is enabled |
[BMXErrorCode] | setHistoryVisible(BMXGroup group, boolean enable) Set whether group members are allowed to enable visible message history |
[BMXErrorCode] | setAvatar(BMXGroup group, String avatarPath, FileProgressListener arg2) Set group avatar |
[BMXErrorCode] | downloadAvatar(BMXGroup group, boolean thumbnail, FileProgressListener arg2) Download group avatar |
void | addGroupListener(BMXGroupServiceListener listener) Add group change listener |
void | removeGroupListener(BMXGroupServiceListener listener) Remove group change listener |
Protected Functions
Name | |
BMXGroupService(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn) | |
void | finalize() |
long | getCPtr(BMXGroupService obj) |
Protected Attributes
Name | |
transient boolean | swigCMemOwn |
Public Functions Documentation
function delete
inline synchronized void delete()
function get
inline BMXErrorCode get(
BMXGroupList list,
boolean forceRefresh
Get group list, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set
- list List of group ids, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned result here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function search
inline BMXErrorCode search(
BMXGroupList list,
boolean forceRefresh
Get group list, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set
- list List of group ids, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned result here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
public BMXGroup getGroupListByDB(long groupId) {
BMXGroup group = new BMXGroup();
BMXErrorCode error =, group, false);
if (error == null || error.swigValue() != BMXErrorCode.NoError.swigValue()) {
return null;
return group;
function fetchGroupsByIdList
inline BMXErrorCode fetchGroupsByIdList(
ListOfLongLong groupIdList,
BMXGroupList list,
boolean forceRefresh
Get the list of group information for the incoming group id, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set
- groupIdList List of group ids
- list List of group details, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned result here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function search
inline BMXErrorCode search(
ListOfLongLong groupIdList,
BMXGroupList list,
boolean forceRefresh
Get the list of group information for the incoming group id, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set
- groupIdList List of group ids
- list List of group details, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned result here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
public BMXGroup getGroupListByDB(long groupId) {
BMXGroup group = new BMXGroup();
BMXErrorCode error =, group, false);
if (error == null || error.swigValue() != BMXErrorCode.NoError.swigValue()) {
return null;
return group;
function fetchGroupById
inline BMXErrorCode fetchGroupById(
long groupId,
BMXGroup group,
boolean forceRefresh
Get group information, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set
- groupId Group id to search
- group Group information returned by search, pass in a pointing-to-empty shared_ptr objective function and fetch the returned result here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function search
inline BMXErrorCode search(
long groupId,
BMXGroup group,
boolean forceUpdate
Get group information, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set
- groupId Group id to search
- group Group information returned by search, pass in a pointing-to-empty shared_ptr objective function and fetch the returned result here
- forceUpdate True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
public BMXGroup getGroupListByDB(long groupId) {
BMXGroup group = new BMXGroup();
BMXErrorCode error =, group, false);
if (error == null || error.swigValue() != BMXErrorCode.NoError.swigValue()) {
return null;
return group;
function fetchLocalGroupsByName
inline BMXErrorCode fetchLocalGroupsByName(
BMXGroupList list,
String name
Query local group information by group name and retrieve the group from local database by group name query
- list Group list information returned by search result
- name Keyword of group name for query
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function search
inline BMXErrorCode search(
BMXGroupList list,
String name
Query local group information by group name and retrieve the group from local database by group name query
- list Group list information returned by search result
- name Keyword of group name for query
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
public BMXGroup getGroupListByDB(long groupId) {
BMXGroup group = new BMXGroup();
BMXErrorCode error =, group, false);
if (error == null || error.swigValue() != BMXErrorCode.NoError.swigValue()) {
return null;
return group;
function create
inline BMXErrorCode create(
BMXGroupService.CreateGroupOptions options,
BMXGroup group
Create group
- options Parameters passed in when creating a group
- group Created groups, pass in a pointing-to-empty objective function shared_ptr and fetch returned result here
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function destroy
inline BMXErrorCode destroy(
BMXGroup group
Destroy group
- group Group to destroy
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function join
inline BMXErrorCode join(
BMXGroup group,
String message
Join a group, which may require admin approval depending on group settings
- group Group to join
- message Information for group membership application
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function leave
inline BMXErrorCode leave(
BMXGroup group
Quit group
- group Group to quit
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getInfo
inline BMXErrorCode getInfo(
BMXGroup group
Get group details, pull the latest information from server
- group Group for which the latest information needs to be obtained
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getMembersNickname
inline BMXErrorCode getMembersNickname(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong members,
BMXGroupMemberList list
Get group member details
- group Group to operate on
- members Group member id to get group member details
- list Returned group member details, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned list of group member details here
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getInvitationList
inline BMXErrorCode getInvitationList(
GroupInvitaionPage result,
String cursor,
int pageSize
Get group invitation list in pages
- result Paged list of group invitations, pass in a pointing-to-empty shared_ptr objective function and fetch the returned result here
- cursor Paged starting cursor, passed in as empty-valued first, followed by the cursor in the result returned by last operation
- pageSize Page size
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getApplicationList
inline BMXErrorCode getApplicationList(
BMXGroupList list,
GroupApplicationPage result,
String cursor,
int pageSize
Get a list of group applications in pages
- list List of group ids for which group application list information needs to be obtained
- result Paged list of group applications, pass in a pointing-to-emtpy shared_ptr objective function and fetch the returned result here
- cursor Paged starting cursor, passed in as empty-valued first, followed by the cursor in the result returned by last operation
- pageSize Page size
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getMembers
inline BMXErrorCode getMembers(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroupMemberResultPage result,
String cursor,
int pageSize
Get list of group members in pages, pull from server if forceRefresh is set, up to 500 per page.
- group Group to operate on
- result Paged list of group members, pass in a pointing-to-empty shared_ptr objective function and fetch the returned result here
- cursor Paged starting cursor, passed in as empty-valued first, followed by the cursor in the result returned by last operation
- pageSize Page size
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
public BMXGroup.Member getMemberByDB(long groupId, long memberId) {
BMXGroup group = getGroupListByDB(groupId);
BMXGroupMemberList list = new BMXGroupMemberList();
BMXErrorCode error = mGroupService.getMembers(group, list, false);
if (error == null || error.swigValue() != BMXErrorCode.NoError.swigValue()) {
return null;
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
BMXGroup.Member member = list.get(i);
if(member.getMUid() == memberId){
return member;
return null;
function getMembers
inline BMXErrorCode getMembers(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroupMemberList list,
boolean forceRefresh
Get group member list, pull from server if forceRefresh is set, up to 1,000
- group Group to operate on
- list List of group members, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned list of group details
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
public BMXGroup.Member getMemberByDB(long groupId, long memberId) {
BMXGroup group = getGroupListByDB(groupId);
BMXGroupMemberList list = new BMXGroupMemberList();
BMXErrorCode error = mGroupService.getMembers(group, list, false);
if (error == null || error.swigValue() != BMXErrorCode.NoError.swigValue()) {
return null;
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
BMXGroup.Member member = list.get(i);
if(member.getMUid() == memberId){
return member;
return null;
function addMembers
inline BMXErrorCode addMembers(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong members,
String message
Add group member
- group Group to operate on
- members List of member ids to join group
- message Reason for membership application
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function removeMembers
inline BMXErrorCode removeMembers(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong members,
String reason
Remove group member
- group Group to operate on
- members List of group member ids to delete
- reason Reason for deletion
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function addAdmins
inline BMXErrorCode addAdmins(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong admins,
String message
Add Admin
- group Group to operate on
- admins List of member ids to be added as Admins
- message Reason for adding as Admin
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function removeAdmins
inline BMXErrorCode removeAdmins(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong admins,
String reason
Remove admin
- group Group to operate on
- admins List of member ids to degrade from Admins
- reason Reason to degrade from Admin
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getAdmins
inline BMXErrorCode getAdmins(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroupMemberList list,
boolean forceRefresh
Get Admins list, pull from server if forceRefreshed is set
- group Group to operate on
- list List of group Admins, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned result here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
public boolean isAdmin(BMXGroup group, long memberId) {
BMXGroupMemberList list = new BMXGroupMemberList();
BMXErrorCode error = mGroupService.getAdmins(group, list, false);
if (error == null || error.swigValue() != BMXErrorCode.NoError.swigValue()) {
return false;
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
BMXGroup.Member member = list.get(i);
if (member.getMUid() == memberId) {
return true;
return false;
function blockMembers
inline BMXErrorCode blockMembers(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong members
Add to blacklist
- group Group to operate on
- members List of member ids to be blacklisted
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function unblockMembers
inline BMXErrorCode unblockMembers(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong members
- group Group to operate on
- members List of unblacklisted user ids
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getBlockList
inline BMXErrorCode getBlockList(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroupMemberResultPage result,
String cursor,
int pageSize
Paged to get blacklist
- group Group to operate on
- result Paged list of blacklists, pass in a pointing-to-empty shared_ptr objective function and fetch the returned result here
- cursor Paged starting cursor, passed in as empty-valued first, followed by the cursor in the result returned by last operation
- pageSize Page size
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getBlockList
inline BMXErrorCode getBlockList(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroupMemberList list,
boolean forceRefresh
Get blacklist
- group Group to operate on
- list List of group blacklists, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned list of group details here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function banMembers
inline BMXErrorCode banMembers(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong members,
long duration,
String reason
- group Group to operate on
- members List of banned member ids
- duration Duration of banned
- reason Reason for banned
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function banMembers
inline BMXErrorCode banMembers(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong members,
long duration
function banGroup
inline BMXErrorCode banGroup(
BMXGroup group,
long duration
Ban all members, the expiration time is calculated from the current server time plus banning duration (only Admins and group Owner can speak in the duration)
- group Group to operate on
- duration Banning duration (minute)
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function unbanMembers
inline BMXErrorCode unbanMembers(
BMXGroup group,
ListOfLongLong members
- group Group to operate on
- members List of unbanned group member ids
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function unbanGroup
inline BMXErrorCode unbanGroup(
BMXGroup group
Unban all members
- group Group to operate on
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getBannedMembers
inline BMXErrorCode getBannedMembers(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroupBannedMemberResultPage result,
String cursor,
int pageSize
Paged to get ban list
- group Group to operate on
- result Paged ban list, pass in a pointing-to-empty shared_ptr objective function and fetch the returned result here
- cursor Paged starting cursor, passed in as empty-valued first, followed by the cursor in the result returned by last operation
- pageSize Page size
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getBannedMembers
inline BMXErrorCode getBannedMembers(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroupBannedMemberList list
Get a list of banned members
- group Group to operate on
- list Group ban list, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned list of group details here
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function muteMessage
inline BMXErrorCode muteMessage(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroup.MsgMuteMode mode
Set whether to block group messages
- group Group to operate on
- mode Group blocking mode
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function acceptApplication
inline BMXErrorCode acceptApplication(
BMXGroup group,
long applicantId
Accept application of membership
- group Group to operate on
- applicantId User id that request to join group
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function declineApplication
inline BMXErrorCode declineApplication(
BMXGroup group,
long applicantId,
String reason
Reject application of membership
- group Group to operate on
- applicantId User id that request to join group
- reason Reason for rejection
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function declineApplication
inline BMXErrorCode declineApplication(
BMXGroup group,
long applicantId
function acceptInvitation
inline BMXErrorCode acceptInvitation(
BMXGroup group,
long inviter
Accept to join group
- group Group to operate on
- inviter Inviter id
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function declineInvitation
inline BMXErrorCode declineInvitation(
BMXGroup group,
long inviter,
String reason
Reject invitation to join group
- group Group to operate on
- inviter Inviter id
- reason Reason for rejection
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function declineInvitation
inline BMXErrorCode declineInvitation(
BMXGroup group,
long inviter
function transferOwner
inline BMXErrorCode transferOwner(
BMXGroup group,
long newOwnerId
Transfer of group Owner
- group Group to operate on
- newOwnerId User id that transferred as new group Owner
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function uploadSharedFile
inline BMXErrorCode uploadSharedFile(
BMXGroup group,
String filePath,
String displayName,
String extensionName,
FileProgressListener arg4
Add shared file in group
- group Group to operate on
- filePath Local path of file
- displayName File display name
- extensionName File extension name
- arg4 Upload callback function
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function cancelUploadSharedFile
inline BMXErrorCode cancelUploadSharedFile(
BMXGroup group,
String filePath
Cancel uploading group shared files
- group Group to operate on
- filePath Local path of file
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function removeSharedFile
inline BMXErrorCode removeSharedFile(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroup.SharedFile sharedFile
Remove shared file in group
- group Group to operate on
- sharedFile Deleted group shared file
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function downloadSharedFile
inline BMXErrorCode downloadSharedFile(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroup.SharedFile sharedFile,
FileProgressListener arg2
Download share file in group
- group Group to operate on
- sharedFile Downloaded group shared files
- arg2 Download callback function
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function cancelDownloadSharedFile
inline BMXErrorCode cancelDownloadSharedFile(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroup.SharedFile sharedFile
Cancel downloading group shared files
- group Group to operate on
- sharedFile Downloaded group shared files
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getSharedFilesList
inline BMXErrorCode getSharedFilesList(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroupSharedFileList list,
boolean forceRefresh
Get a list of share files in group
- group Group to operate on
- list List of group shared files, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned list of group details here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function changeSharedFileName
inline BMXErrorCode changeSharedFileName(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroup.SharedFile sharedFile,
String name
Modify shared file name in group
- group Group to operate on
- sharedFile Group shared file to change
- name Modified group shared file name
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getLatestAnnouncement
inline BMXErrorCode getLatestAnnouncement(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroup.Announcement announcement,
boolean forceRefresh
Get the latest group announcement
- group Group to operate on
- announcement Latest group announcement, pass in a pointing-to-empty shared_ptr objective function and fetch the latest group announcement here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function getAnnouncementList
inline BMXErrorCode getAnnouncementList(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroupAnnouncementList list,
boolean forceRefresh
Get group announcements list
- group Group to operate on
- list List of group announcements, pass in an empty list function and fetch the returned result here
- forceRefresh True to force fetch from server, sdk will fetch from server automatically if local fetch failed
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function editAnnouncement
inline BMXErrorCode editAnnouncement(
BMXGroup group,
String title,
String content
Write group announcement
- group Group to operate on
- title Tittle of group announcement
- content Content of group announcement
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function deleteAnnouncement
inline BMXErrorCode deleteAnnouncement(
BMXGroup group,
long announcementId
Delete group announcement
- group Group to operate on
- announcementId Deleted group announcement id
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setName
inline BMXErrorCode setName(
BMXGroup group,
String name
Set group name
- group Group to operate on
- name Group name
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setDescription
inline BMXErrorCode setDescription(
BMXGroup group,
String description
Set group description
- group Group to operate on
- description Group description
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setExtension
inline BMXErrorCode setExtension(
BMXGroup group,
String extension
Set group extension information
- group Group to operate on
- extension Group extension information
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setMyNickname
inline BMXErrorCode setMyNickname(
BMXGroup group,
String nickname
Set nickname in group
- group Group to operate on
- nickname My nickname in group
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setMsgPushMode
inline BMXErrorCode setMsgPushMode(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroup.MsgPushMode mode
Set group message notification mode
- group Group to operate on
- mode Group message notification mode
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setJoinAuthMode
inline BMXErrorCode setJoinAuthMode(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroup.JoinAuthMode mode
Set approval mode for joining group
- group Group to operate on
- mode Join approval mode
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setInviteMode
inline BMXErrorCode setInviteMode(
BMXGroup group,
BMXGroup.InviteMode mode
Set invitation mode
- group Group to operate on
- mode Group invitation mode
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setAllowMemberModify
inline BMXErrorCode setAllowMemberModify(
BMXGroup group,
boolean enable
Set whether group members are allowed to set group information
- group Group to operate on
- enable Whether allowed to operate
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setEnableReadAck
inline BMXErrorCode setEnableReadAck(
BMXGroup group,
boolean enable
Set whether group message read acknowledgement is enabled
- group Group to operate on
- enable Enable or not
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setHistoryVisible
inline BMXErrorCode setHistoryVisible(
BMXGroup group,
boolean enable
Set whether group members are allowed to enable visible message history
- group Group to operate on
- enable Enable or not
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function setAvatar
inline BMXErrorCode setAvatar(
BMXGroup group,
String avatarPath,
FileProgressListener arg2
Set group avatar
- group Group to operate on
- avatarPath Local path of group avatar file
- arg2 Upload callback function
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function downloadAvatar
inline BMXErrorCode downloadAvatar(
BMXGroup group,
boolean thumbnail,
FileProgressListener arg2
Download group avatar
- group Group to operate on
- thumbnail True to download thumbnail, false to download original image
- arg2 Download callback function
Return: [BMXErrorCode]
function addGroupListener
inline void addGroupListener(
BMXGroupServiceListener listener
Add group change listener
- listener Group change listener
function removeGroupListener
inline void removeGroupListener(
BMXGroupServiceListener listener
Remove group change listener
- listener Group change listener
Protected Functions Documentation
function BMXGroupService
inline BMXGroupService(
long cPtr,
boolean cMemoryOwn
function finalize
inline void finalize()
function getCPtr
static inline long getCPtr(
BMXGroupService obj
Protected Attributes Documentation
variable swigCMemOwn
transient boolean swigCMemOwn;
Updated on 2022-01-26 at 17:18:31 +0800