

"flooNotice" (res)

Floo notification

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object Results
res.category string Types
res.desc string Description


{category: 'loginMessage',desc: 'socket connecting...'} // Start connecting
{category: 'loginMessage',desc: 'socket connect success...'} // Connected
{category: 'loginMessage',desc: 'logining socket service...'} // Start logging in
{category: 'loginMessage',desc: 'login socket failure ......'} // Login failed
{category: 'loginMessage',desc: 'login socket success.....'} // Login succeeded
{category: 'loginMessage', desc: 'getting token...' } //Get token
{category: 'loginMessage',desc: 'token sucecc, getting roster lists..'} // Getting token succeeded, start to fetch friend list
{category: 'loginMessage',desc: 'get roster list failure:' + ex.message} // Friend list fetching failed
{category: 'action', desc: 'relogin' } // Need to automatically login
{category: 'action', desc: 'relogin_manually' }  // Need to manually login
{category: 'conversation_deleted',desc: { id, source:'user_operation' }} // Session deleted. ID:session ID, source: source
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'PASSWORD_CHANGED'} // User password changed
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'FROZEN'} // User account frozen
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'REMOVED'} // User removed
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'KICK_BY_SAME_DEVICE'} // Current device is kicked off the line by the same device
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'KICKED_BY_OTHER_DEVICE'} // Current device is kicked off the line by other device
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'INFO_UPDATED'} // User information changed:profile or setting
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'DEVICE_LOGIN'} // User's other device logged-in
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'DEVICE_LOGOUT'} // User's other device logged-out
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'DEVICE_ADDED'} // New device notified
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'DEVICE_REMOVED'} // Device removal notified
{category: 'userNotice', desc:'CLUSTER_CHANGED'} // User's group changed, please re-login

"flooError" (res)


Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object
res.category string Types
res.desc string Description


{category: 'USER_BANNED', desc:'User is banned'}
{category: 'USER_FROZEN', desc:'User is frozen, please contact App Admin.'}
{category: 'APP_FROZEN', desc:'APP is frozen, please login Lanying IM Console for more details.'}
{category: 'LICENSE', desc:'Invalid LICENSE, please make sure service is paid on time.'}
{category: 'LICENSE', desc:'LICENSE user limit reached, please purchase higher service package.'}
{category: 'DNS_FAILED', desc: dnsServer } // DNS error: unaccessible

"loginFail" (desc)

Login failed

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
desc string Cause of failure

"loginSuccess" (res)

Login successful

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object Empty object

"onGroupListUpdate" (meta)

Group list updated

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta | undefined Notification message content

"onGroupMemberChanged" (groupId)

Group member list updated

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
groupId number GroupID

"onGroupMessage" (meta)

Group message received

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content

"onInputStatusMessage" (res)

The other party is typing

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object
res.ext string Extension field
res.from string Sender's user ID
res.to string Receiver's user ID

"onMentionMessage" (meta)

Group @message received

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content

"onMessageCanceled" (res)

Message is re-unread

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object
res.uid string SessionID
res.mid string MessageID

"onMessageDeleted" (res)


Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object
res.uid string SessionID
res.mid string MessageID

"onMessageRecalled" (res)

Message is withdrawn

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object
res.uid string SessionID
res.mid string MessageID

"onMessageStatusChanged" (res)

Message status changed: withdrawn/deleted/read

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object
res.uid string SessionID
res.mid string MessageID

"onReceiveHistoryMsg" (res)

Message history received

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object
res.next number The key to get message history next time

"onRosterInfoUpdate" (res)

Friend info changed

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object
res.rosterIds Array.<number> Friend's user ID list

"onRosterListUpdate" (meta)

Friend list changed

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content of friend's notification

"onRosterApplied" (meta)

Friend application received

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content of friend's application

"onRosterMessage" (meta)

Single chat message received

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content

"onSendingMessageStatusChanged" (res)

Message sending status changed

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
res object
res.status: number Sending status, can be valued as sending failed sent
res.mid: number client_mid generated by client

"onUnreadChange" (cid)

Unread count changed

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
cid number SessionID


Latest conversation updated

Kind: event emitted by types

"onGroupCreated" (meta)

Group creation notification

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content of group notification

"onGroupDestoryed" (meta)

Group dismissal notification

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content of group notification

"onGroupJoined" (meta)

Member joining application notification

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content of group notification

"onGroupApplyAccepted" (meta)

Group joining application approved

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content of group notification

"onGroupApplyDeclined" (meta)

Group joining application rejected

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content of group notification

"onGroupBaned" (meta)

Banned in group

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content of group notification

"onGroupUnbaned" (meta)

Unbanned in group

Kind: event emitted by types

Param Type Description
meta Meta Message content of group notification

types~RosterItem : object

Friend info

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
alias string Alias
auth_mode number Verification method: 0 - No verification, anyone can be added as a friend; 1 - consent is required to be added as a friend; 2 - answer questions correctly to be added as a friend; 3 - reject all adding friend requests,int32
auth_question string Verification question
avatar string Avatar
description string Description
ext string Extension information
mute_notification boolean Whether to receive message alert
nick_name string Nickname or name
public_info string Public information, visible to both friends and strangers
relation number Relationships: 0 - Friend, 1 - Deleted, 2 - Stranger, int32
user_id number Friend user ID,int64
username string Username

types~UserSettings : object

User settings information

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
auth_answer string Answer of verification question
auth_mode number Verification method: 0 - No verification, anyone can be added as a friend; 1 - consent is required to be added as a friend; 2 - answer questions correctly to be added as a friend; 3 - reject all adding friend requests,int32
auth_question string Verification question
auto_download boolean Whether to download automatically
group_confirm boolean Whether user consent is required when inviting to join group: true - user consent is required, false - invitation is automatically agreed
id number User ID, int64
no_push boolean Whether to turn off push
no_push_detail boolean Whether to push details
no_push_end_hour number Start of push no-disturb time,int32
no_push_start_hour number End of push no-disturb time,int32
no_sounds boolean Whether to mute when message received
push_nick_name string Push nickname
push_token string Push token
silence_end_time number End of push no-reminder time,int32
silence_start_time number Start of push no-reminder time,int32
user_id number User ID,int64
vibratory boolean Whether to vibrate when message received

types~UserProfile : object

User information

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
avatar string Avatar url
description string Description
email string Email
mobile string Mobile number
nick_name string Nickname
private_info string Private information, visible only to yourself
public_info string Public information, visible to both friends and strangers
user_id number User ID,int64
username string Username

types~Meta : object

Message body

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
id string MessageID
from string Sender
to string Receiver
content string Message content
type string Message types: text, image, audio, video, file, location, command, forward
ext string | object Extension field
config string | object SDKExtension field
attach string | object Attachment info
status number Message status: 0 - Unread, 1 - Delivered, 2 - Read
timestamp string Message delivery timestamp (milliseconds)
toType string Receiver types: roster - friend, group - group

types~RosterApplication : object

List entries of adding friend request

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
expired_time number Expiration time,int64
reason string Request description
status number Status: 0 - Awaiting confirmation, 1 - Approved, 2 - Rejected int32
user_id number User ID that initiate adding friend,int64

types~GroupInfoAndSettings : object

Group info

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
apply_approval number Group membership application settings, 0: Agree all requests 1: Need to confirm by Admin 2: Reject all requests
avatar string Group avatar
ban_expire_time number Expiration time (second), during which only Admins are allowed to send messages, 0 or less than the current time means no banning, -1 means banned permanently
created_at number Creation time
description string Group description
ext string Group extension information
group_id number Group id,int64
history_visible boolean History chat visibility settings for new members
member_invite boolean Group member invite settings: false - do not allow invitations, true - allow invitations (default)
member_modify boolean Group members modify group info settings: false - group members can't modify group info (default), true - group members can modify group info
msg_mute_mode number Group message blocking mode: 0 - no blocking, 1 - blocking local message notifications, 2 - blocking all, means not receiving messages
msg_push_mode number Group message push mode: 0 - receive all pushes, 1 - block all pushes, 2 - receive admin and @message pushes, 3 - receive admin message pushes only, 4 - receive @message pushes only
name string Group name
owner_id number Group Owner id,int64
read_ack boolean Group message read function settings
status number Group state, 0: normal, 1: dissolved
type number Group types: 1 - public group, 0 - private group, 2 - chatroom
updated_at number Update time,int64
count number Number of group members
capacity number GroupCapacity

types~BriefGroupInfoAndSettings : object

Group profile and user settings

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
apply_approval number Group membership application settings, 0: Agree all requests 1: Need to confirm by Admin 2: Reject all requests
avatar string Group avatar
capacity number GroupCapacity
count number Number of group members
group_id number Group id,int64
msg_mute_mode number Group message blocking mode: 0 - no blocking, 1 - blocking local message notifications, 2 - blocking all, means not receiving messages
msg_push_mode number Group message push mode: 0 - receive all pushes, 1 - block all pushes, 2 - receive admin and @message pushes, 3 - receive admin message pushes only, 4 - receive @message pushes only
name string Group name
owner number Group Owner id,int64
status number Group state, 0: normal, 1: dissolved,int32
type number Group types: 1 - public group, 0 - private group, 2 - chatroom.int32

types~GroupMember : object

Group member format

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
display_name string Group member profile
join_time number Member join time,int64
user_id number User id,int64
avatar string AvatarAddress

types~GroupMemberBanned : object

Banned members

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
display_name string Group member profile
join_time number Member join time,int64
user_id number User id,int64
avatar string AvatarAddress
expired_time number BanExpiration time

types~GroupUserRelationResponse : object

Group user's request result

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
reason string Reason
result string Results
user_id number User ID,int64

types~GroupAnnouncement : object

GroupAnnouncement content

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
author number Announcement publisher,int64
content string Announcement content
created_at number Announcement publish time,int64
group_id number Group id,int64
id number Announcement id,int64
title string Announcement tittle

types~GroupInfoRequest : object

Create group

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
avatar string Group avatar
description string Group description
name string Group name
type number Group type: 1 for public group, 0 for private group, 2 for chatroom,int32
user_list Array.<number> List of user ids invited to join group

types~GroupBannedMemberRequest : object

Ban request

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
duration number Duration of banned in minutes,int64
group_id number Group id,int64
user_list Array.<number> User id list

types~GroupBlockedListItem : object

Group blacklist

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
user_id number User id,int64
group_id number Group id,int64
create_at string Creation time

types~GroupInvitation : object

Group invitation info

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
group_id number GroupID
inviter_id number Inviter ID
invitee_id number Invitee ID
reason string Reason
status number Status: 0 - Pending, 1 - User agreed, 2 - User rejected
expire_time number Expiration time
create_at string Creation time

types~GroupApplication : object

GroupMembership application information

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
group_id number GroupID
applicant_id number Applicant ID
reason string Reason
expire_time number Expiration time
status number Status: 0 - Pending, 1 - Agreed, 2 - Rejected

types~GroupSharedFile : object

Returned format of group shared files

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
created_at number int64
file_id number Shared file id,int64
group_id number Group id,int64
name string Shared file name
size number Shared file size,int64
type string Shared file type
updated_at number int64
uploader number Shared file uploader,int64
url string Shared file url

types~GroupSharedFileResponse : object

Result of group shared files deletion

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
file_id number FileID
reason string Reason
result string Results

types~GroupBanAllResponse : object

Result of banning all members

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
ban_expire_time number Expiration time of banning all members,int64

types~FileUpload : object

File uploading info

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
download_url string Download address
oss_body_param object.<string, string> Additional parameters
upload_url string Upload address

types~FileUploadResult : object

File uploading result

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
url string Download address

types~fileUploadProgress : function

FileUpload progressCallback

Kind: inner typedef of types

Param Type Description
res object Progress
res.loaded number Downloaded bytes
res.total number Total bytes

types~ConversationItem : object

Conversation info

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
id number SessionID
content string Message content
timestamp string Message delivery timestamp (milliseconds)
type string Session type: roster - Single chat, group - Group chat

types~UserProfile : object

User information

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
avatar string Avatar url
description string Description
email string Email
mobile string Mobile number
nick_name string Nickname
private_info string Private information, visible only to yourself
public_info string Public information, visible to both friends and strangers
user_id number User ID,int64
username string Username

types~UserSettings : object

User settings information

Kind: inner typedef of types

Name Type Description
auth_answer string Answer of verification question
auth_mode number Verification method: 0 - No verification, anyone can be added as a friend; 1 - consent is required to be added as a friend; 2 - answer questions correctly to be added as a friend; 3 - reject all adding friend requests,int32
auth_question string Verification question
auto_download boolean Whether to download automatically
group_confirm boolean Whether user consent is required when inviting to join group: true - user consent is required, false - invitation is automatically agreed
id number Set ID
no_push boolean Whether to turn off push
no_push_detail boolean Whether to push details
no_push_end_hour number Start of push no-disturb time,int32
no_push_start_hour number End of push no-disturb time,int32
no_sounds boolean Whether to mute when message received
push_nick_name string Push nickname
push_token string Push token
silence_end_time number End of push no-reminder time,int32
silence_start_time number Start of push no-reminder time,int32
user_id number User ID,int64
vibratory boolean Whether to vibrate when message received

types~Event : string

Listening event name

Kind: inner typedef of types

types~EventCallback : function

Listening event callback

Kind: inner typedef of types

Param Type Description
res flooNotice | flooError | loginFail | loginSuccess | onGroupListUpdate | onGroupMemberChanged | onGroupMessage | onInputStatusMessage | onMentionMessage | onMessageCanceled | onMessageDeleted | onMessageRecalled | onMessageStatusChanged | onReceiveHistoryMsg | onRosterInfoUpdate | onRosterListUpdate | onRosterMessage | onSendingMessageStatusChanged | onUnreadChange | recentlistUpdate | onGroupCreated | onGroupDestoryed | onGroupJoined | onGroupApplyAccepted | onGroupApplyDeclined | onGroupBaned | onGroupUnbaned Event result
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