Push Development Guide
Note: If you are an IM developer, please refer to the Push section of the IM development documentation.
This page is for quick integration, visit detailed documentation
Push SDK integration description
Lanying Push is developed based on Lanying IM technology, which can have both push and IM services with only one integration, improving R\&D efficiency and greatly reducing IT expenditure of enterprises.
No extra fee for using Lanying Push.
Since the channels of major vendors are supported by default, in order to further reduce the difficulty of integration, certificate settings and updating mechanism are also built into the implementation of Lanying Push. Simply put, after Lanying Push integrated, developer only needs to set the certificates pushed by each vendor on the console, and the front end will package the vendor push SDKs, which can automatically complete the adaptation of the system vendor. It is no longer necessary to adjust the application and settings of various push tokens.
Note: Unlike other push vendors, Lanying Push SDK focuses on the construction and serving of push channels, and does not collect terminal information. If you have similar advertising business, you need to integrate the advertising SDK separately, or set business data tags through the interface before you can use it.
As mentioned earlier, since Lanying Push SDK and IM SDK are the same SDK, the push function only adds a push interface to the original IM SDK. Therefore, the integration method is the same as that of IM SDK, and the quick integration document can also be found in Lanying IM for Android Quick Integration,Lanying IM for iOS Quick Integration。
SDK architecture
Push function mainly involves the following three classes:
Where BMXPushService and BMXPushManager are both push setting classes, the former is a synchronous calling class, and the latter is an asynchronous calling class. You can choose one according to needs when implementing.
Other functional classes are:
- BMXCallBack : Untyped interface callback
- BMXDataCallBack : Generic type with data callback
- BMXPushServiceListener : Push event listening
- BMXMessage : Push message
- BMXUserProfile : Push user message
Android SDK is used as an example for push API below.
Step 1 Import SDK into Android Studio
Aar or jar + so formats are selectable in SDK import
aar format
- Download aar fileto /lib in project
- Add implementation(name:'floo-android_3.1.3.aar',ext:'aar') to the dependencies block in build.gradle file
jar+so format
- Download jar package and so library to /lib in project
- Add implementation fileTree(dir: ‘libs’, include: [’*.jar’]) to build.gradle file
Step 2 Permission configuration
Add permissions as follows in AndroidManifest.xml:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
Import so library file into app entry class:
static {
Step 3 BMXClient initialization
- Initialize BMXClient
public static void initClient(int index) {
if (bmxClient != null){
String appPath = AppContextUtils.getAppContext().getFilesDir().getPath();
File dataPath = new File(appPath + "/data_dir");
File cachePath = new File(appPath + "/cache_dir");
String pushId = getPushId();//Set the ID corresponding to push platform
BMXSDKConfig conf = new BMXSDKConfig(BMXClientType.Android, "1", dataPath.getAbsolutePath(),
cachePath.getAbsolutePath(), TextUtils.isEmpty(pushId) ? "MaxIM" : pushId);
//Set push appId
//Set push secret
//Set the unique id of device
//Set production environment
//Set pushProviderType based-on device model
BMXSDKConfig.HostConfig hostConfig = new BMXSDKConfig.HostConfig("sync.maxim.top", 443, "https://api.maxim.top");
//Get BMXClient instance
BMXClient bmxClient = BMXClient.create(conf);
//Get type based-on device model
private static BMXPushProviderType getProvideType(Context context){
if (isHuawei(context)) {
return BMXPushProviderType.HuaWei;
if (isXiaomi(context)) {
return BMXPushProviderType.XiaoMi;
if (isMeizu(context)) {
return BMXPushProviderType.MeiZu;
if (isOppo(context)) {
return BMXPushProviderType.OPPS;
if (isVivo(context)) {
return BMXPushProviderType.VIVO;
return BMXPushProviderType.Unknown;
Advanced invokation form
- BMXPushManager: Get the manager object to push via bmxClient.getPushManager().
Enable push
Parameter description: alias (push alias), bmxToken(push token) callBack
SDK will automatically generate an alias if not passed in
SDK will automatically generate a token and callback via BMXPushServiceListener if not passed in
Synchronous call
Calling description: Success is judged by returned value of BMXErrorCode.
bmxClient.getPushService().start();//No parameter passed in
bmxClient.getPushService().start("zhangsan");//Pass in alias
bmxClient.getPushService().start("zhangsan", token);//Pass in alias token
Asynchronous calling
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
//No parameter passed in
bmxClient.getPushManager().start(new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
//Pass in alias
bmxClient.getPushManager().start("zhangsan",new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
//Pass in alias token
bmxClient.getPushManager().start("zhangsan", token, new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Stop push
Parameter description: callBack
Synchronous call
Calling description: Success is judged by returned value of BMXErrorCode.
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().stop(new BMXCallBack(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Evoke push
Synchronous call
Calling description: Success is judged by returned value of BMXErrorCode.
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().remuse(new BMXCallBack<>() {
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Get push status
Returned value description: public static enum PushSdkState { Starting(1), Started, Stoped, Offline; }
Synchronous call:
BMXPushService.PushSdkStatus status = bmxClient.getPushService().status();
Asynchronous call:
BMXPushService.PushSdkStatus status = bmxClient.getPushManager().status();
Unbind alias
Parameter description: alias (push alias)
Synchronous call
Calling description: Success is judged by returned value of BMXErrorCode.
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().unbindAlias(alias, new BMXCallBack(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Get token
Value is only available after start called successfully
Synchronous call:
String token = bmxClient.getPushService().getToken();
Asynchronous call:
String token = bmxClient.getPushManager().getToken();
Get cert
Value is only available after start called successfully, meanwhile it needs to register the certificate with the corresponding vendor and set the correct provideType
Currently support Huawei, Xiaomi, Meizu, oppo, and vivo
Synchronous call:
String cert = bmxClient.getPushService().getCert();
Asynchronous call:
String cert = bmxClient.getPushManager().getCert();
Bind vendor token
Parameter description: token (the token returned by register vendor push)
Synchronous call
Calling description: Success is judged by returned value of BMXErrorCode.
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().bindDeviceToken(token, new BMXCallBack(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Get information of the user who pushed
Parameter description: forceRefresh (whether to pull from server)
Synchronous call
Calling description: Passing in the BMXPushUserProfile object reference, and push user information can be obtained after successfully called.
BMXPushUserProfile profile = new BMXPushUserProfile();
bmxClient.getPushService().getPushProfile(profile, forceRefresh);
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), and get push user information in BMXDataCallBack<BMXPushUserProfile> callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().getPushProfile(forceRefresh, new BMXDataCallBack<BMXPushUserProfile>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode, BMXPushUserProfile profile) {
//Return BMXPushUserProfile instance
Advanced interface
Set push tag
Parameter description: tags (tag list) operationId (the unique id generated manually in this operation)
TagList tags = new TagList();
tags.add("tag content");
Synchronous call
Calling description: Success is judged by returned value of BMXErrorCode.
bmxClient.getPushService().setTags(tags, operationId);
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().setTags(tags, operationId, new BMXCallBack(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Get push tag list
Parameter description: operationId (the unique id generated manually in this operation)
Calling description: Passing in the TagList object reference, and tag list information can be obtained after successfully called.
Synchronous call
TagList tags = new TagList();
bmxClient.getPushService().getTags(tags, operationId);
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
TagList tags = new TagList();
bmxClient.getPushManager().getTags(tags, operationId, new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Delete push tag
Parameter description: operationId (the unique id generated manually in this operation)
TagList tags = new TagList();
tags.add("tag content");
Synchronous call
bmxClient.getPushService().deleteTags(tags, operationId);
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().deleteTags(tags, operationId, new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Clear all tags
Parameter description: operationId (the unique id generated manually in this operation)
Synchronous call
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().clearTags(operationId, new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Set push switch
Parameter description: enable (boolean push switch)
Synchronous call
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().setPushMode(enable, new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Set push time
Parameter description: startHour (start time of push) endHour (end time of push) in 24-hour Set the daily push time range
Synchronous call
bmxClient.getPushService().setPushTime(startHour, endHour);
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().setPushTime(startHour, endHour, new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Set silent-push time
Parameter description: startHour (start time of push) endHour (end time of push) in 24-hour Set the daily non-push time range
Synchronous call
bmxClient.getPushService().setSilenceTime(startHour, endHour);
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
bmxClient.getPushManager().setSilenceTime(startHour, endHour, new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Send push message
Parameter description: content(push content)
Synchronous call
Asynchronous call
Get message list to push
Parameter description: refMsgId(starting message id, passed 0 first) size(number of fetched messagers)
Synchronous call
Calling description: Passing in the BMXMessageList object reference, the push information list can be obtained after successfully called.
BMXMessageList messageList = new BMXMessageList();
bmxClient.getPushService().loadLocalPushMessages(refMsgId, size, messageList);
Asynchronous call
Calling description: Get the manager object via bmxClient.getPushManager(), success is judged by returned BMXErrorCode in BMXCallBack callback.
BMXMessageList messageList = new BMXMessageList();
bmxClient.getPushManager().loadLocalPushMessages(refMsgId, size, messageList, new BMXCallBack<>(){
public void onResult(BMXErrorCode bmxErrorCode) {
Set listener
- Register push callback
Synchronous call:
Asynchronous call:
- Remove push callback
Synchronous call:
Asynchronous call:
- Callback example
private BMXPushServiceListener mListener = new BMXPushServiceListener() {
public void onPushStart(String bmxToken) {
//Turn on push to return token
Log.d(TAG, "onPushStart" + bmxToken);
public void onPushStop() {
Log.d(TAG, "onPushStop");
public void onGetTags(String operationId) {
Log.d(TAG, "onGetTags" + operationId);
public void onSetTags(String operationId) {
Log.d(TAG, "onSetTags" + operationId);
public void onDeleteTags(String operationId) {
Log.d(TAG, "onDeleteTags" + operationId);
public void onClearTags(String operationId) {
Log.d(TAG, "onClearTags" + operationId);
public void onStatusChanged(BMXMessage msg, BMXErrorCode error) {
super.onStatusChanged(msg, error);
Log.d(TAG, "onStatusChanged" + msg.content());
public void onReceivePush(BMXMessageList list) {
Log.d(TAG, "onReceivePush");
public void onCertRetrieved(String cert) {
Log.d(TAG, "onCertRetrieved" + cert);
//Return vendor-registered certificate You can register vendor’s push channel after obtaining the certificate
Vender push integration
Platform integration only needs to put the integration SDK into your application according to the platform push document, and the corresponding configuration can be set based-on the specified platform requirements (except Huawei).
Need to be set according to Huawei push platform Huawei push
- Project-level build.gradle filed added
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'
- App-level build.gradle
apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect'
implementation "com.huawei.hms:push:"
- Finally, download agconnect-services.json from push platform to your app directory.
Integrate according to Xiaomi push platform Xiaomi push
Integrate according to Oppo push platform oppo push
Integrate according to Meizu push platform Meizu push
Google push(FCM)
Google Push Guide FCM