Server API Development Guide

This page is for quick integration, visit detailed documentation, or visit the Swagger page directly.

Getting started

Terminology introduction

  • app_id

    app_idis the unique identity that Lanying IM generates for App when it is created and is of string type. Available from "Application Information" page in Console.

  • api_endpoint

    api_endpointis the address of the API service where the app resides. Available from "Application Information" page in Console.

  • access-token

    access-tokenis used for permission verification. You can generate access-token for App or select existing access-token from “Token Management” page in Console.

API profile

Lanying IM API service is based on the HTTPS security protocol, which ensures the security of data transfer when invoked. At the same time, Lanying IM API service provides access control, and it is necessary to obtain the uniqueaccess-tokento operate users, groups and other data under App legally. Involvedaccess-tokenshall be kept properly.

Before calling any Lanying IM API, please get parameter firstapi_endpointapp_idaccess-token. Parameterapp_idaccess-tokenwill be used in the header of request, and unspecified request Content-Type type isapplication/json

a generic example of the request that calls Lanying IM API (please replace the variable represented by{}with a specified value):

curl -X {METHOD} '{api_endpoint}/{URI}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H 'access-token: {access-token}' \
-H 'app_id: {app_id}' \

API classification

Lanying IM API is mainly divided into user API, friend API, group API, message API and push API.

  • User API

    Users belong to a single App, which is the foundation of instant messaging. Only with users can we realize the functions of friends and groups. User data is divided into basic information and setting information. Basic information includes email address, mobile number, username and password. Setting information includes whether to download thumbnails and files automatically, whether to confirm the invitation to join group, etc. Generally speaking, the user API mainly involves the update of its basic information and user settings, and the related API starts with/user, followed by specific resources, ex. “GET /user/settings” to get user settings API.

  • Friend API

    Friend is the relationship between users. In Lanying IM friendship design, users can set remarks for friends, set the notification method of friend messages, apply for adding friends, and blacklist a friend. Friend API provides friend information, friend application, friend list, friend blacklist and other related operations, and its API starts with/roster.

  • Group API

    Groups enable multi-user communication. In Lanying IM design, the roles of group members are divided into group Owners, group Admins and group Members, and the authority levels are lowered in turn. The group Owners have all the permissions of the group, while the Admins have the permissions to operate group members and modify group information settings. According to group settings, ordinary group Members may have or not have the permissions to modify group information and invite users to join group. The functional design of group membership includes invitation to join group, application to join group, set group blacklist and group ban list. The main APIs include group data operations and group member operations. Group data operations mainly include create group, dissolve group, transfer group Owner, update group information and group settings, group announcement operation, group shared file operation; and group member operations mainly include invite user to join group, Admin process invitation, user apply to join group, user process application, set group blacklist, set group ban list, user quit group, kick user out of group, etc. APIs start with/group.

  • Message API

    Message APIs are encapsulations of IM services designed to provide an easy way for messaging. Message APIs start with/message.

  • PushAPI

    Push API to send Push notification to device,which starts with /push.

In general, the API requested to Lanying IM service will return an http code of 200 in case of a business error, and a Lanying IM custom error code will be returned in the response body. See the Error Code page for the specific meaning of error code.

Some of the key APIs are demonstrated with the following values, which should be replaced in your actual request.

  • app_id: welovemaxim
  • api_endpoint:
  • access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg

User API

Register user

  • API description

    Register a Lanying IM user for the specified App.

  • Request description

    Http method: POST Resource path: /user/register/v2

  • Parameter description
    • Header parameter
Parameter Description Comment
app_id App id Required
  • Request Body parameter
Parameter Description Comment
username Username Required, username supports only alphanumeric and underscore combinations, and cannot be pure numbers nor begin with maxim, mta
password Password Required
  • cURL request example

      curl -X POST '' \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -d '{ "username": "test_user", "password": "asd"}'
  • Returned result example

          "code": 200,
          "data": {
              "user_id": 2302128618880,
              "auto_download": false,
              "group_confirm": false,
              "no_sounds": false,
              "no_push": false,
              "vibratory": false,
              "no_push_detail": false,
              "auth_mode": 0,
              "no_push_start_hour": 0,
              "no_push_end_hour": 0

Friend API

Add friend

  • API description

    Add friend for specified user.

  • Request description

    Http method: POST Resource path: /user/add_roster

  • Parameter description
    • Header parameter
Parameter Description Comment
app_id APP ID Required
access-token token Required
user_id user_id of adding party Required
  • Request Body parameter
Parameter Description Comment
list user_id list of added party Required
  • cURL request example

      curl -X POST '' \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -H 'user_id: 2302128618880' \
      -d '{ "list": [2199040544848, 2199040544992]}'
  • Returned result example

          "code": 200,
          "data": true

Get friend list

  • API description

    Get friend list of the specified user.

  • Request description

    Http method: GET Resource path: /user/rosters

  • Parameter description
    • Header parameter
Parameter Description Comment
app_id APP ID Required
access-token token Required
user_id user_id of current user Required
  • Request Body parameter


    • cURL request example
    curl -X GET '' \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
    -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
    -H 'user_id: 2302128618880'
    • Returned result example
        "code": 200,
        "data": [{
            "user_id": 2199040544848,
            "name": "a"
        }, {
            "user_id": 2199040544992,
            "name": "b"

Group API

Create group

  • API description

    Create a group with the specified user as group Owner.

  • Request description

    Http method: POST Resource path: /group/create

  • Parameter description
    • Header parameter
Parameter Description Comment
app_id APP ID Required
access-token token Required
user_id user_id of group Owner Required
  • Request Body parameter
Parameter Description Comment
name Group name Required
description Group description Optional
  • cURL request example

      curl -X POST '' \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -H 'user_id: 2302128618880' \
      -d '{ "name": "g001", "description": "test-group"}'
  • Returned result example

          "code": 200,
          "data": {
              "name": "g001",
              "status": 0,
              "description": "test-group",
              "type": 0,
              "group_id": 2306414607729,
              "owner_id": 2302128618880,
              "created_at": 1569615417000,
              "updated_at": 1569615417000,
              "member_invite": true,
              "apply_approval": 1,
              "read_ack": false,
              "history_visible": false,
              "member_modify": false

Invite user to join group

  • API description

    Invite user to join the group with the specified user as group Owner.

  • Request description

    Http method: POST Resource path: /group/invite

  • Parameter description
    • Header parameter
Parameter Description Comment
app_id APP ID Required
access-token token Required
user_id user_id of group Owner Required
  • Request Body parameter
Parameter Description Comment
group_id Group id Required
user_list User id list Required
  • cURL request example

      curl -X POST '' \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -H 'user_id: 2302128618880' \
      -d '{ "group_id": 2306414607729, "user_list": [2199040544848, 2199040544992]}'
  • Returned result example

          "code": 200,
          "data": [{
              "result": "success",
              "user_id": 2199040544848
          }, {
              "result": "success",
              "user_id": 2199040544992

Get group member list

  • API description

    Get group member list, can be in pages. Pages are controlled by limit and cursor fields, limit for page size, cursor as the name suggest. cursor:If there is still member data left after fetching data on a certain page, it will return cursor field for fetching data from the next page of the cursor.

  • Request description

    Http method: GET Resource path: /group/member_list

  • Parameter description
    • Header parameter
Parameter Description Comment
app_id APP ID Required
access-token token Required
user_id user_id of group Owner Required
  • Query parameter
Parameter Description Comment
group_id Group id Required
cursor Paged cursor Optional, default the first page
limit Number of members to fetch at once Optional, default 1,000
  • cURL request example

      curl -X GET '' \
      -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -H 'user_id: 2302128618880'
  • Returned result example

          "code": 200,
          "data": [{
              "user_id": 2302128618880,
              "join_time": 1569615417000
          }, {
              "user_id": 2199040544848,
              "join_time": 1569615490000
          }, {
              "user_id": 2199040544992,
              "join_time": 1569615490000
          "version": 1569586735861

Disband group

  • API description

    Dissolve group.

  • Request description

    Http method: DELETE Resource path: /group/destroy

  • Parameter description
    • Header parameter
Parameter Description Comment
app_id APP ID Required
access-token token Required
user_id user_id of group Owner Required
  • cURL request example

      curl -X DELETE '' \
      -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -H 'user_id: 2302128618880'
  • Returned result example

          "code": 200,
          "data": true

Send message API

Admin send single chat text-message

  • API description

    Send message to a specified destination, which can be sent in batches to groups or users. The specified destination is represented by targets field, list type and ids in list can only be one of user/group ids, and the both types cannot be mixed.

  • Request description

    Http method: POST Resource path: /message/send

  • Parameter description
    • Header parameter
Parameter Description Comment
app_id APP ID Required
access-token token Required
  • Request Body parameter
Parameter Description Comment
targets List of target ids Required
type Target type, 1: Single chat 2: Group chat Required
content_type Message content type, 0: text-message Required
ext Extension field Optional
  • cURL request example

      curl -X POST '' \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -d '{"targets":[2302128618880],"type":1,"content":"hello","content_type":0}'
  • Returned result example

          "code": 200,
          "data": true


Admin SendPush notification

  • API description

    Send a notification to a specific target, means PUSH to everyone in APP. You can also use Tag/Alias/PushToken/User ID to Push.

  • Request description

    Http method: POST Resource path: /push/notify

  • Parameter description:
    • Header parameter
Parameter Description Comment
app_id APP ID Required
access-token token Required
  • Request Body's main Parameter
Parameter Description Comment
audience Push target Required
message Message body pushed Required
  • audience:Push target。Class type is string or JSONObject:

      "all", means push to all devices
      {"tag":["tag1","tag2"]} means push to devices labeled tag1 or tag2
      {"alias":["alias1","alias2"]} means push to devices with alias1 or alias2
      {"user_id":[111,222]} means push to devices with user ID 111 or 222
      {"push_token":["push_token1","push_token2"]} means push to devices with PushToken push_token1 or push_token2
      List length cannot exceed 500 when pushed with tag/alias/user ID/pushToken
  • message:Message body pushed, the main Field is as follows,see API Details for full Field
Parameter Description Comment
type Class Type of Notification Optional,text,image, cmd - pass-through Message。Default text
title Notification Tittle Optional
body Notification Content Optional
attachment_url AttachmentAddress Optional,Image/audio/video's URLAddress。
ext Extension field Optional,Class型为JSONObject
  • cURL request example

      Push text to all devices belong to APP:
      curl -X POST '' \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -d '{"audience": "all","message": {"type": "text","title": "this is push title","body": "this is push body"}}'
      PushImage to all devices with push_token as their token1 or token2:
      curl -X POST '' \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -d '{"audience": {"push_token":["token1","token2"]},"message": {"type": "image","title": "this is push title","body": "this is push body","attachment_url": ""}}'
      Push pass-through Message to all devices tagged as beijing or shanghai,pass-through Message will no display on Notification bar:
      curl -X POST '' \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H 'access-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhcHAiOiJkcGJkdmVrZmVjYm8iLCJzdWIiOiIyMCIsImNsdXN0ZXIiOjAsInJvbGUiOjIsImlhdCI6MTU2Nzk5NzQwOH0.U-iFpEwprrkf-mFkhHN_CWmF5nkBbRQLTjttN4Qlkzw3ET1Zke9OZdjutm90KSyDs9jjYvUSAGGsWVjLmDZlkg' \
      -H 'app_id: welovemaxim' \
      -d '{"audience": {"tag":["beijing","shanghai"]},"message": {"type": "cmd","title": "this is push title","body": "this is push body","ext": {"key1": 12345, "key2": "xxx" }}}'
  • Returned result example

          "code": 200,
          "data": true


Error code description

  • 1xxxx indicates an issue related to user/friend system
  • 2xxxx indicates an issue related to group system
  • 3xxxx indicates an issue related to license
Error code Description
10000 User does not exist
10001 Incorrect verification code
10002 Incorrect request parameter
10003 Missing access-token parameter in header
10004 User already exists
10005 User already exists in friend list
10006 User already exists in blacklist
10007 Friend does not exist or expired
10008 Invalid access-token in header
10009 oss exception
10010 User has no permission
10011 user_id bound
10012 User rejected friend request
12001 Upload PushImage to XiaomiPlatform failed
12002 PushImageFile size shall be smaller than 1M
12003 Upload PushImage to OPPOPlatform failed
12004 ImageAddressNone to Push cannot be downloaded
12005 Length of Push tartget list shall not exceed 500
12006 PushFeatures not enabled
20000 Server database exception
20001 Group does not exist
20002 The user is not a group member
20003 msg_push_mode value is illegal
20004 Group Owner cannot quit the group directly
20005 Group transfer error: Assignee is not a group member
20006 Group in repair mode
20007 Number of groups in App exceeds limit
20008 Number of user-created groups exceeds limit
20009 Number of user-joined groups exceeds limit
20010 Number of group members exceeds limit
20011 This operation needs group member permission
20012 This operation needs group Admin permission
20013 This oeration needs group Owner permission
20014 Application of membership expired or processed
20015 Invitation of membership expired or processed
20016 Times of user’s kicked-out exceeds limit, can no longer join group
20017 User is already a group member
20018 User is already blacklisted
20020 Group announcement does not exist
20021 Group announcement disabled by Admin
20022 Group shared file does not exist
20023 No permission to operate group shared file
20024 Group invitation QR Code is illegal
20025 Group invitation QR Code has expired
30021 Invalid Lanying IM License
30022 Expired Lanying IM License
30023 Lanying IM License limit exceeded
40000 app_id does not exist

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