5 Message processing

5.1 Send read receipt

GET /message/ack

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
conversation_id int64 false SessionID
device_sn int32 false Device serial number
msg_id int64 false MessageID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

5.2 Get the message for the specified session

GET /message/conversation

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
limit int32 true How many to fetch
msg_id_start int64 true From which message to start pulling forward: use 0 for the latest message
opposite_id int64 true SessionID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data object Result data
⇥ is_last boolean Whether it is the last message: true - there are no more messages to follow, false - there are more messages to follow
⇥ messages array[object] Message list
⇥⇥ attachment string Message attachment: When the message type is image/voice/video/file, this field will include the file url
⇥⇥ config string Extension fields used by the SDK layer
⇥⇥ content string Message content
⇥⇥ ctype string Message Content Type: TEXT - Text, IMAGE - Image, AUDIO - Voice, VIDEO - Video, FILE - File, LOCATION - Location, COMMAND - Custom, FORWARD - Forward Message
⇥⇥ ext string Extension field
⇥⇥ from_xid object Message sender
⇥⇥⇥ device_sn int32 Device serial number
⇥⇥⇥ uid int64 User ID
⇥⇥ msg_id int64 MessageID
⇥⇥ status string Message status: UNREAD - unread, DELIVERED - delivered, READ - read
⇥⇥ timestamp int64 Message delivery timestamp (milliseconds)
⇥⇥ to_xid object Message receiver
⇥⇥⇥ device_sn int32 Device serial number
⇥⇥⇥ uid int64 User ID
⇥ next_msg_id int64 the message ID that needs to be set to pull the messages: Set this message ID to msg_id_start of the request parameter to continue to pull the message
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

5.3 Delete the specified session for the user

DELETE /message/conversation

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
conversation_id int64 true SessionID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

5.4 Send system notification

PUT /message/notify

POST /message/notify

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
attachment string true Attachment: This field needs to be set if the message type is image/voice/video/file.:{"url":"https://xxx" ,"dName":"1658890327124.amr","fLen":1670,"duration":1}{"url":"https://xxx" ,"dName":"1646751218948","fLen":508728,"width":828.0,"height":828.0}
config string false Extension fields used by the SDK
content string true Message content
content_type int32 true Message type TEXT = 0;
IMAGE = 1;
AUDIO = 2;
VIDEO = 3;
FILE = 4;
ext string false Extension field
from_user_id int64 false Sender's user ID
targets array[int64] true Receive user ID or group ID
transaction_id int64 false Request ID, which is used for message deduplication. If two requests with the same transaction_id are received in a short time, the second request will not be executed. No deduplication when request ID is not set.
type int32 true Target type, 1 - normal user, 2 -- group

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

5.5 Revoke message

PUT /message/recall

POST /message/recall

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
conversation_id int64 true SessionID
msg_id int64 true MessageID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

5.6 Send a message

PUT /message/send

POST /message/send

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
attachment string true Attachment: This field needs to be set if the message type is image/voice/video/file.:{"url":"https://xxx" ,"dName":"1658890327124.amr","fLen":1670,"duration":1}{"url":"https://xxx" ,"dName":"1646751218948","fLen":508728,"width":828.0,"height":828.0}
config string false Extension fields used by the SDK
content string true Message content
content_type int32 true Message type TEXT = 0;
IMAGE = 1;
AUDIO = 2;
VIDEO = 3;
FILE = 4;
ext string false Extension field
from_user_id int64 false Sender's user ID
targets array[int64] true Receive user ID or group ID
transaction_id int64 false Request ID, which is used for message deduplication. If two requests with the same transaction_id are received in a short time, the second request will not be executed. No deduplication when request ID is not set.
type int32 true Target type, 1 - normal user, 2 -- group

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

5.7 Get the list of recent sessions for the specified user

GET /message/unread

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data array[object] Result data
⇥ conversation_id object Conversation info
⇥⇥ uid int64 SessionID
⇥ num int32 Unread message-number
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

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