7 Push interface

7.1 Get push certificate

GET /push/certificate

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
environment int32 false Run environment, 0 - development environment, 1 - production environment, default: 1
provider int32 true Certificate provider, 1-APNS,2-Huawei,3-Xiaomi,4-Meizu,5-VIVO, 6-OPPO, 7-FCM

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data object Result data
⇥ app_id string APP ID
⇥ app_key string APP KEY
⇥ app_secret string APP SECRET
⇥ certificate string Certificate
⇥ name string Certificate name
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

7.2 Send push notification

POST /push/notify

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
audience object false Target of push, cannot be blank. Type is string or JSONObject:
"all", means push to all devices
{"tag":["tag1","tag2"]} means push to devices labeled tag1 or tag2
{"alias":["alias1","alias2"]} means push to devices with alias1 or alias2
{"user_id":[111,222]} means push to devices with user ID 111 or 222
{"push_token":["push_token1","push_token2"]} means push to devices with PushToken push_token1 or push_token2
List length cannot exceed 500 when pushed with tag/alias/user ID/pushToken
setting object false Push settings, can be blank
⇥ request_id string false Request ID for request deduplication, not pushed if request ID has been present before. Can be blank, which means no deduplication.
⇥ distribution_strategy string false Notification distribution strategy: combined- means to use Lanying channel to distribute first, and if Lanying is not online, use vendor channel to distribute; Mxpush_only- indicates that only the Lanying channel is used for distribution; Ospush_only- indicates that only the vendor channel is used for distribution. Can be empty, which defaults to combined
⇥ ospush_sequence array[string] false Vendor push priority: ups - domestic vendors (Xiaomi/Huawei/Meizu/oppo/vivo); fcm - FCM push; Huawei - Huawei push; Xiaomi - Xiaomi push; Oppo - OPPO push; Vivo - Vivo push, Meizu - Meizu push. Can be empty, which defaults to [ups, fcm]
message object false Message body pushed, cannot be blank
⇥ type string false Message type:text - text,image - image, cmd - pass-through message. Can be blank, which means text by default
⇥ title string false Tittle, can be blank
⇥ body string false Content, can be blank
⇥ attachment_url string false Attachment address: URL address of image/audio/video, can be blank. If it is an image address, it needs to end with .jpg/jpeg/png, and the picture size should be less than 1M. 876*324 px is recommended
⇥ big_text string false Large text: If this field is set and the vendor supports pushing large text, use this field to push large text; Otherwise, use the body field to push ordinary text
⇥ badge string false Badge: If it is a number, modify the badge to this number; If starts with +, means adding this number to badge, ex. “+1” means adding 1 to badge; If blank, default “+1"
⇥ ext object false Extension field: Can be blank, JSONObject type, ex. {"key1":123, "key2":"value2"}
⇥ show_begin_time int64 false Start timestamp of timed presentation (seconds), blank for immediate presentation
⇥ show_end_time int64 false End timestamp of timed presentation (seconds), can be blank
⇥ ios object false Android extra parameter, can be blank
⇥⇥ sound string false Notification alert sound, can be blank
⇥⇥ content_available boolean false Corresponding to content-available in APNs, can be blank
⇥⇥ mutable_content boolean false Corresponding to mutable-content in APNs, can be blank
⇥⇥ category string false Corresponding to category in APNs Payload, can be blank
⇥⇥ thread_id string false Corresponding to thread-id in APNs, can be blank; which is used for grouping notifications by thread-id
⇥⇥ subtitle string false Subtitle corresponding to APNs, can be empty
⇥⇥ apns_collapse_id string false apns-collapse-id corresponding to APNs, can be empty. The notifications with apns-collapse-id parameter will override other notifications with the same apns-collapse-id in the Notification Center.
⇥ android object false ios extra parameter, can be blank
⇥⇥ sound string false Message alert sound, can be blank
⇥⇥ channel_id string false Notification bar channel, can be blank
⇥⇥ click_action string false What to do after notification clicked: intent to open a specific page; open_app to open App homepage. Can be blank.
⇥⇥ intent string false Click notification to open a specific page: can be blank, unless click_action is intent. Ex. intent:#Intent;component= package name/activity full path; S.parm1=value1;S.parm2=value2;end
⇥ huawei object false huawei vendor extra parameter
⇥⇥ sound string false Message alert sound, can be blank
⇥⇥ channel_id string false Notification bar channel, can be blank
⇥⇥ click_action string false What to do after notification clicked: intent to open a specific page; open_app to open App homepage. Can be blank.
⇥⇥ intent string false Click notification to open a specific page: can be blank, unless click_action is intent. Ex. intent:#Intent;component= package name/activity full path; S.parm1=value1;S.parm2=value2;end
⇥⇥ badge_class string false The application entry Activity class corresponding to the desktop icon, such as com.test.badge.MainActivity, which can be blank
⇥ xiaomi object false xiaomi vendor extra parameter
⇥⇥ sound string false Message alert sound, can be blank
⇥⇥ channel_id string false Notification bar channel, can be blank
⇥⇥ click_action string false What to do after notification clicked: intent to open a specific page; open_app to open App homepage. Can be blank.
⇥⇥ intent string false Click notification to open a specific page: can be blank, unless click_action is intent. Ex. intent:#Intent;component= package name/activity full path; S.parm1=value1;S.parm2=value2;end
⇥ oppo object false oppo vendor extra parameter
⇥⇥ sound string false Message alert sound, can be blank
⇥⇥ channel_id string false Notification bar channel, can be blank
⇥⇥ click_action string false What to do after notification clicked: intent to open a specific page; open_app to open App homepage. Can be blank.
⇥⇥ intent string false Click notification to open a specific page: can be blank, unless click_action is intent. Ex. intent:#Intent;component= package name/activity full path; S.parm1=value1;S.parm2=value2;end
⇥ vivo object false vivo vendor extra parameter
⇥⇥ sound string false Message alert sound, can be blank
⇥⇥ channel_id string false Notification bar channel, can be blank
⇥⇥ click_action string false What to do after notification clicked: intent to open a specific page; open_app to open App homepage. Can be blank.
⇥⇥ intent string false Click notification to open a specific page: can be blank, unless click_action is intent. Ex. intent:#Intent;component= package name/activity full path; S.parm1=value1;S.parm2=value2;end
⇥⇥ push_mode int32 false Push mode: 0 - production push; 1 - testing push. Default 0
⇥⇥ classification int32 false Message type: 0 - operational message; 1 - system message. Default 0
⇥ flyme object false meizu vendor extra parameter
⇥⇥ sound string false Message alert sound, can be blank
⇥⇥ channel_id string false Notification bar channel, can be blank
⇥⇥ click_action string false What to do after notification clicked: intent to open a specific page; open_app to open App homepage. Can be blank.
⇥⇥ intent string false Click notification to open a specific page: can be blank, unless click_action is intent. Ex. intent:#Intent;component= package name/activity full path; S.parm1=value1;S.parm2=value2;end
⇥ fcm object false fcm vendor extra parameter
⇥⇥ sound string false Message alert sound, can be blank
⇥⇥ channel_id string false Notification bar channel, can be blank
⇥⇥ click_action string false What to do after notification clicked: intent to open a specific page; open_app to open App homepage. Can be blank.
⇥⇥ intent string false Click notification to open a specific page: can be blank, unless click_action is intent. Ex. intent:#Intent;component= package name/activity full path; S.parm1=value1;S.parm2=value2;end

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data object Result data
⇥ task_id int64 Task ID
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

7.3 Query push stats

POST /push/task/detail

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
list array[int64] true List of task IDs

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data array[object] Result data
⇥ apns_received int64 Delivery number on APNs channel
⇥ apns_sent int64 Sent number on APNs channel
⇥ apns_target int64 Valid target number on APNs channel
⇥ fcm_received int64 Delivery number on FCM channel
⇥ fcm_sent int64 Sent number on FCM channel
⇥ fcm_target int64 Valid target number on FCM channel
⇥ flyme_received int64 Delivery number on Meizu channel
⇥ flyme_sent int64 Sent number on Meizu channel
⇥ flyme_target int64 Valid target number on Meizu channel
⇥ huawei_received int64 Delivery number on Huawei channel
⇥ huawei_sent int64 Sent number on Huawei channel
⇥ huawei_target int64 Valid target number on Huawei channel
⇥ mxpush_received int64 Delivery number on Lanying channel
⇥ mxpush_sent int64 Sent number on Lanying channel
⇥ mxpush_target int64 Valid target number on Lanying channel
⇥ oppo_received int64 Delivery number on oppo channel
⇥ oppo_sent int64 Sent number on oppo channel
⇥ oppo_target int64 Valid target number on oppo channel
⇥ vivo_received int64 Delivery number on vivo channel
⇥ vivo_sent int64 Sent number on vivo channel
⇥ vivo_target int64 Valid target number on vivo channel
⇥ xiaomi_received int64 Delivery number on Xiaomi channel
⇥ xiaomi_sent int64 Sent number on Xiaomi channel
⇥ xiaomi_target int64 Valid target number on Xiaomi channel
⇥ task_id int64 Push task ID
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

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