1 User action

1.1 Set how to validate when adding friend

PUT /user/authmode

POST /user/authmode

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
value int32 true Verification method: 0 - No verification, anyone can be added as a friend; 1 - consent is required to be added as a friend; 2 - answer questions correctly to be added as a friend; 3 - reject all adding friend requests

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.2 Set avatar

PUT /user/avatar

POST /user/avatar

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
avatar string true Avatar url

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.3 Set avatar in batch

PUT /user/avatar/batch

POST /user/avatar/batch

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
list array[object] false
⇥ avatar string true Avatar url
⇥ user_id int64 true User ID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data array[object] Result data
⇥ reason string Cause of failure
⇥ success boolean Success or not
⇥ user_id int64 User ID
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.4 Modify password

POST /user/change_password

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
new_password string true New password
old_password string true Old password

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.5 Administrator change password

POST /user/change_password_admin

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
password string true Password

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.6 Delete users

DELETE /user/delete

POST /user/delete

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
password string false User password: if it is a user TOKEN, this field needs to be set; if it is an administrator TOKEN, it does not need to be set

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.7 Device list

GET /user/device/list

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
cursor string Cursor, no cursor in returned result means the last page has been returned
data array[object] Result data
⇥ device_sn int32 Device serial number
⇥ platform int32 Device platform,1:ios, 2:android, 3:windows, 4:mac, 5:linux, 6:web
⇥ user_agent string Device information
⇥ user_id int64 User ID
message string Error information, null means success
version int64 Version

Interface Description

1.8 Delete device

DELETE /user/device/remove

POST /user/device/remove

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
device_sn int32 true Device serial number

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.9 Banned user

PUT /user/disable

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
list array[int64] true List of user IDs

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.10 Set whether to download thumbnails and files automatically

PUT /user/download

POST /user/download

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
value boolean true Whether to automatically download thumbnails: true - yes, false - no

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.11 Unbanned user

PUT /user/enable

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
list array[int64] true List of user IDs

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.12 Kick specified device

PUT /user/kick

POST /user/kick

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
device_sn int32 false Device serial number:Not set means kick all devices

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.13 List all users under the APP

GET /user/list

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
page_num int32 false Number of pages:must be greater than0,default is 1
page_size int32 false Size per page:50 per page by default

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data array[object] Result data
⇥ status int32 0-normal, 1-ban
⇥ user_id int64 User ID
⇥ username string Username
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.14 Set mobile number

PUT /user/mobile

POST /user/mobile

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
mobile string true Mobile number

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.15 Set nickname

PUT /user/nickname

POST /user/nickname

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
nick_name string true Nickname

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.16 Query user online status

GET /user/online_status

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data object Result data
⇥ online boolean Online or not: true - online, false - offline
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.17 Set private extension information

PUT /user/private

POST /user/private

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
string true Private extension information

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.18 Get user information

GET /user/profile

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data object Result data
⇥ avatar string Avatar url
⇥ description string Description
⇥ email string Email
⇥ mobile string Mobile number
⇥ nick_name string Nickname
⇥ private_info string Private information, visible only to yourself
⇥ public_info string Public information, visible to both friends and strangers
⇥ user_id int64 User ID
⇥ username string Username
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.19 Update user information

PUT /user/profile

POST /user/profile

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
description string false Description
nick_name string false Nickname
private_info string false Private information, visible only to yourself
public_info string false Public information, visible to both friends and strangers

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.20 Update user information in batch

PUT /user/profile/batch

POST /user/profile/batch

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
list array[object] false
⇥ description string false Description
⇥ nick_name string false Nickname
⇥ private_info string false Private information, visible only to yourself
⇥ public_info string false Public information, visible to both friends and strangers
⇥ user_id int64 false User ID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data array[object] Result data
⇥ reason string Cause of failure
⇥ success boolean Success or not
⇥ user_id int64 User ID
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.21 Set public extension information

PUT /user/public

POST /user/public

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
string true Public extension information

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.22 Set whether to turn off push

PUT /user/push

POST /user/push

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
value boolean true Whether to close push: true - close push, false - not close push

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.23 Bind alias

POST /user/push/alias

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
alias string true Alias
push_token string false Push token

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.24 Set badge

POST /user/push/badge

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
badge int32 true badge

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.25 Set whether to turn off push details

PUT /user/push/detail

POST /user/push/detail

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
value boolean true Whether to close push details: true - close push details, false - do not close push details

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.26 Set push no-disturb time

PUT /user/push/limit

POST /user/push/limit

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
no_push_end_hour int32 true Push DND end hour(0-23)
no_push_start_hour int32 true Push DND start hour(0-23)

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.27 Set push nickname

PUT /user/push/nickname

POST /user/push/nickname

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
value string true Push nickname

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.28 Get tag

GET /user/push/tag

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data array[string] Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.29 Bind tag

POST /user/push/tag

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
tags array[string] true List of tags

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.30 Unbind tag

DELETE /user/push/tag

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
tags array[string] true List of tags

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.31 Delete all tags

DELETE /user/push/tag/all

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.32 Register user in batch

POST /user/register/batch

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
list array[object] false
⇥ password string true Password
⇥ username string true Username

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data array[object] Result data
⇥ reason string Cause of failure
⇥ success boolean Success or not
⇥ user_id int64 User ID
⇥ username string Username
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.33 Register push user

POST /user/register/push

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
alias string false Alias
device_guid string false Device ID
password string true Password
push_token string false Push token
sign string false Signature
username string true Username

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data object Result data
⇥ auth_answer string Answer of verification question
⇥ auth_mode int32 Verification method: 0 - No verification, anyone can be added as a friend; 1 - consent is required to be added as a friend; 2 - answer questions correctly to be added as a friend; 3 - reject all adding friend requests
⇥ auth_question string Verification question
⇥ auto_download boolean Whether to automatically download: true - automatic download, false - no automatic download
⇥ group_confirm boolean Whether user consent is required when inviting to join group: true - user consent is required, false - invitation is automatically agreed
⇥ id int64
⇥ no_push boolean Whether to turn off push messages: true - turn off push messages, false - do not turn off push messages
⇥ no_push_detail boolean Whether to push details: true - push details, false - don't push details
⇥ no_push_end_hour int32 Start of push no-disturb time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ no_push_start_hour int32 End of push no-disturb time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ no_sounds boolean Whether to mute when a message is received: true - mute, false - not mute
⇥ push_nick_name string Push nickname
⇥ push_token string Push token
⇥ silence_end_time int32 End of push no-reminder time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ silence_start_time int32 Start of push no-reminder time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ user_id int64 User ID
⇥ vibratory boolean Whether to vibrate when a message is received: true - vibrate, false - not vibrate
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.34 Register user

POST /user/register/v2

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
password string true Password
username string true Username

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data object Result data
⇥ auth_answer string Answer of verification question
⇥ auth_mode int32 Verification method: 0 - No verification, anyone can be added as a friend; 1 - consent is required to be added as a friend; 2 - answer questions correctly to be added as a friend; 3 - reject all adding friend requests
⇥ auth_question string Verification question
⇥ auto_download boolean Whether to automatically download: true - automatic download, false - no automatic download
⇥ group_confirm boolean Whether user consent is required when inviting to join group: true - user consent is required, false - invitation is automatically agreed
⇥ id int64
⇥ no_push boolean Whether to turn off push messages: true - turn off push messages, false - do not turn off push messages
⇥ no_push_detail boolean Whether to push details: true - push details, false - don't push details
⇥ no_push_end_hour int32 Start of push no-disturb time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ no_push_start_hour int32 End of push no-disturb time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ no_sounds boolean Whether to mute when a message is received: true - mute, false - not mute
⇥ push_nick_name string Push nickname
⇥ push_token string Push token
⇥ silence_end_time int32 End of push no-reminder time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ silence_start_time int32 Start of push no-reminder time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ user_id int64 User ID
⇥ vibratory boolean Whether to vibrate when a message is received: true - vibrate, false - not vibrate
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.35 Get user settings

GET /user/settings

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data object Result data
⇥ auth_answer string Answer of verification question
⇥ auth_mode int32 Verification method: 0 - No verification, anyone can be added as a friend; 1 - consent is required to be added as a friend; 2 - answer questions correctly to be added as a friend; 3 - reject all adding friend requests
⇥ auth_question string Verification question
⇥ auto_download boolean Whether to automatically download: true - automatic download, false - no automatic download
⇥ group_confirm boolean Whether user consent is required when inviting to join group: true - user consent is required, false - invitation is automatically agreed
⇥ id int64
⇥ no_push boolean Whether to turn off push messages: true - turn off push messages, false - do not turn off push messages
⇥ no_push_detail boolean Whether to push details: true - push details, false - don't push details
⇥ no_push_end_hour int32 Start of push no-disturb time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ no_push_start_hour int32 End of push no-disturb time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ no_sounds boolean Whether to mute when a message is received: true - mute, false - not mute
⇥ push_nick_name string Push nickname
⇥ push_token string Push token
⇥ silence_end_time int32 End of push no-reminder time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ silence_start_time int32 Start of push no-reminder time(Hour 0-23)
⇥ user_id int64 User ID
⇥ vibratory boolean Whether to vibrate when a message is received: true - vibrate, false - not vibrate
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.36 Modify user settings

PUT /user/settings

POST /user/settings

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
auth_answer string false Answer of verification question
auth_mode int32 false Verification method: 0 - No verification, anyone can be added as a friend; 1 - consent is required to be added as a friend; 2 - answer questions correctly to be added as a friend; 3 - reject all adding friend requests
auth_question string false Verification question
auto_download boolean false Whether to automatically download: true - automatic download, false - no automatic download
group_confirm boolean false Whether user consent is required when inviting to join group: true - user consent is required, false - invitation is automatically agreed
id int64 false
no_push boolean false Whether to turn off push messages: true - turn off push messages, false - do not turn off push messages
no_push_detail boolean false Whether to push details: true - push details, false - don't push details
no_push_end_hour int32 false Start of push no-disturb time(Hour 0-23)
no_push_start_hour int32 false End of push no-disturb time(Hour 0-23)
no_sounds boolean false Whether to mute when a message is received: true - mute, false - not mute
push_nick_name string false Push nickname
push_token string false Push token
silence_end_time int32 false End of push no-reminder time(Hour 0-23)
silence_start_time int32 false Start of push no-reminder time(Hour 0-23)
user_id int64 true User ID
vibratory boolean false Whether to vibrate when a message is received: true - vibrate, false - not vibrate

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.37 Set whether to mute sound alert for new message

PUT /user/sounds

POST /user/sounds

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
value boolean true Whether to turn off the sound reminder: true - turn off the sound reminder, false - do not turn off the sound reminder

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.38 Bind token

PUT /user/token/bind

POST /user/token/bind

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Request Body

Parameter name Data Type Required Default Description
device_sn int32 true Device serial number
device_token string true device token
notifier_name string true Certificate name

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.39 Unbind token

DELETE /user/token/unbind

POST /user/token/unbind

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
deviceSn int32 true Device serial number

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data object Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.40 Modify username

PUT /user/username

POST /user/username

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
username string true Username

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

1.41 Set whether to vibrate alert for new message

PUT /user/vibratory

POST /user/vibratory

Request Header

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
access-token string false Token
app_id string true App ID
group_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is an Admin token, means call this interface as an Admin for this group ID
user_id int64 false This field can be set only if access-token is a user token, means call this interface as a group member for this user ID

Query Param

Parameter name Data Type Required Description
value boolean true Whether to vibrate: true-vibrate, false-no vibration

Response Body

● 200 Response data format:JSON

Parameter name Type Description
code int32 Return code, 200 is success
data boolean Result data
message string Error information, null means success

Interface Description

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